Each child has a relationship with their parents' relationship.


Training - a variety of training is available including Relational Mediation and Child Inclusive Mediation.

Supervision - one-off and ongoing clinical supervision for Mediators, Counsellors, individuals and groups.

Collaborative Coach / Child Consultant - as a member of a collaborative interdisciplinary team, that includes lawyers and financial specialists, I can assist families to separate in a non-adversarial way with transparency and a commitment to a harmonious separation. 

Mediation - I offer Child Inclusive Mediation and Therapeutic Mediation face-to-face and via Skype and telephone.

Counselling - embracing all shapes, forms and colours, I provide relationship counselling for individuals, families and couples. 




Other services

Lawyer debriefing - complex case analysis and debrief.

Consultant - program development.


Speaking - conferences, events, corporate meetings.

Media - radio, TV, podcasts.



Email Bill for more in-depth details.